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  1. 表示經常性或習慣性動作,常與表頻度的時間狀語連用:

  She often speaks English.

  I leave home for school at 7 every morning.

  2. 表示現在的狀態(tài)、特征、職業(yè)、能力、感覺等:

  He seems to feel a bit down today.

  He works as a driver.

  3. 表示真理、客觀存在、科學事實或用于格言警句中:

  Shanghai lies in the east of China.

  Columbus proved that the earth is round.

  Where there is a will, there is a way.

  4. 表示現在瞬間的動作:

  Here comes the bus!

  5. 表示將來1) 表按規(guī)定、計劃、安排將要發(fā)生的動作(僅限于某些表示“來、去、動、停、開始、結束、繼續(xù)”等的趨向動詞),可以與表示未來的時間狀語搭配使用。常見的用法是:飛機、火車、輪船、汽車等定期定點運行的交通狀況。如:

  The next train leaves at 3 o’clock this afternoon.

  How often does the shuttle bus run?2) 在時間和條件狀語從句中常使用一般現在時表示將來發(fā)生的事情:

  When Bill comes (不用will come), ask him to wait for me.

  I shall go there tomorrow unless I’m too busy.



  *閉音節(jié):元音字母a, e, i, o, u如果發(fā)字母本來的音則稱為開音節(jié),否則稱為閉音節(jié)。

  1. 表示過去某時所發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),常與表示過去的時間狀語連用(e.g. yesterday, this morning, just now, a moment ago, in May, last night / year / week, once upon a time, the other day, before …, when …, in the past等)。如:

  Jim rang you just now.

  Liu Ying was in America last year.

  2. 表示過去經;蚍磸桶l(fā)生的動作,特別是used to do表達的句型,本身表示的就是過去常常。如:

  When I was a kid, I often played football in the street.

  She used to visit her mother once a week.*注意區(qū)分sb. used to do sth.(某人過去常常做某事,此處to是動詞不定式標志符號)和sb. be used to sth./doing sth.(某人習慣于某物/做某事,此處to是介詞)。

  3. 代替一般現在時,表示一種婉轉、客氣、禮貌、商量的語氣。此用法僅適用于少數動詞(如want, hope, wonder, think, intend等)及情態(tài)動詞could, would。如:

  I wondered if you could have a word with me.

  I hoped you could help me with my English.

  Would you mind my sitting here?4. 虛擬語氣中用一般過去時表示現在或將來時間的動作或狀態(tài)。常用句型有:

  It is time that sb. did sth. “某人該做某事了”

  would rather sb. did sth. “寧愿某人做某事”


  標志:will / shall + 動詞原形

  1. 表示將來發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),通常與表示將來的時間狀語連用(e.g. tomorrow, next week, in the future等)。如:

  We shall have a lot of rain next month.

  My husband will come back in a few days.

  2. 表示傾向性和習慣性:

  Fish will die without water.

  When it gets warmer, the snow will start to melt.

  3. 一般將來時的幾種句式結構辨析:

  1) will / shall + 動詞原形多用于表達主觀愿望或必定會發(fā)生的事情(“將會如何”)*shall作助動詞時一般只用于第一人稱

  2) be going to + 動詞原形表示即將發(fā)生或打算要做的事:

  It is going to rain.

  We are going to have a meeting today.

  3) be to + 動詞原形表示按計劃或安排即將要發(fā)生的動作:

  He is to visit Japan next year.

  We are to discuss the report on Monday.

  4) be about to + 動詞原形表示即將發(fā)生的動作,意為“馬上要做某事”,后面一般不跟時間狀語,如:

  The plane is about to start.

  Don’t worry. I am about to make a close examination on you.


  標志:be + 動詞的現在分詞

  1. 表示說話時正在進行的動作:

  She is writing a letter upstairs.

  Who are you waiting for?

  It is raining hard.

  2. 表示現階段一直在進行的動作(說話時動作未必正在進行):

  I hear Mr. Green is writing another novel.

  3. 表示反復出現或習慣性的動作,往往包含說話者贊揚、責備、厭惡等情緒,通常與always, constantly, continually, forever等頻度副詞連用。如:

  John is forever asking silly questions like a stupid.

  He is always thinking of others first.

  4. 表示將來

  1) 表示按計劃、安排將要發(fā)生的動作,僅適用于部分趨向動詞(如go, come, leave, start, arrive等)。如:

  Uncle Wang is coming.

  They’re leaving for Beijing.

  2) 在時間和條件狀語從句中,現在進行時表示將來某時正在發(fā)生的事情。如:

  Please drop in when you are passing my way.

  If he is still sleeping, don’t wake him up.


  標志:was / were + 動詞的現在分詞

  1. 表示過去某一時刻或一段時間正在進行的動作,過去進行時中常用的時間狀語有the whole morning, all day yesterday, from January to March last year等。如:

  I was having a talk with Lucy at that time.

  They were watching TV at home last night.

  2. 表示過去反復出現或習慣性的動作,往往包含說話者贊揚、責備、厭惡等情緒,通常與always, constantly, continually, forever等頻度副詞連用。如:

  My brother was always losing his keys

  3. 表示按計劃、安排過去某時刻將要發(fā)生的動作,僅適用于部分趨向動詞(如go, come, leave, start, arrive等)。如:

  He said they were leaving for Beijing this afternoon.

  4. 過去進行時有一個主要用法就是描述一件事情發(fā)生的背景(一個長動作延續(xù)的時候,另一個短動作發(fā)生):

  Granny fell asleep when she was reading.

  It was raining when they left the station.


  標志:have / has + 動詞的過去分詞

  1. 表示一個過去發(fā)生并已完成的動作對現在產生影響或結果,強調的是現在的狀況(表示“已完成”)。如:

  He has left the city. (結果:他目前不在這個城市)

  Someone has broken the window. (結果:窗戶破了)

  2. 表示一個動作開始于過去,持續(xù)到現在,也可能還會繼續(xù)持續(xù)下去(表示“未完成”)。

  I have been busy since last week.

  He has taught in our school for 30 years.

  I’ve finished half so far.注意 瞬間動詞通常是不能用現在完成時表持續(xù)性的,但其否定結構則可以。如:

  She hasn’t seen you for ages.

  His father hasn’t touched beer for a whole week.

  3. 表示過去到現在為止反復發(fā)生的動作或多次出現的狀態(tài),常與表示頻度的副詞always, often, every day等連用。如:

  I have often heard that he is the cleverest person in that company.

  4. 在時間和條件狀語從句中,現在完成時表示將來某時完成的動作。如:

  I’ll go to your home when I have finished my homework.

  If it has stopped snowing in the morning, we’ll go the park.

  5. 與現在完成時連用的常見詞語能與現在完成時連用的詞語很多,just, already, yet, before, never, ever, recently等,但常見的有:

  1) since 自從

  I have been there many times since the war.

  We haven’t seen each other since last week.

  We have been friends ever since.

  2) in / for / during the past/last … years 在過去/最近…中

  I’ve been ill for the past three weeks.

  Great changes have take place in the last ten years.

  I have been here (for) the last/past month.

  3) so far 到目前為止

  We haven’t had any trouble so far.

  So far the search for the missing middle-aged woman has been fruitless.

  4) up to/until now 到現在為止

  Up to now he’s been quiet.

  Up to now, the work has been easy.

  I have heard nothing from him up till now.

  Up till now we have planted over 2000 trees.

  5) It is/will be the first/second … time that … 這是第一/二…次…

  It’s the first time (that) I’ve been here.

  It will be the first time (that) I’ve spoken in public.

  It is the second time (that) I have met him today.

  6) This is + 形容詞最高級 + that … 這是最…

  This is the best film that I’ve (ever) seen.

  6. 現在完成時與一般過去時的區(qū)別

  1) 現在完成時強調對現在的影響和結果,與現在有聯系;而一般過去時強調這個動作發(fā)生的時間是在過去,不涉及對現在的影響。如:

  I have seen this film. (我已經看過了這部電影)

  I saw this film yesterday. (我是昨天看的這部電影)

  2) 現在完成時常與模糊的時間狀語連用(如for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till/until, up to now, always等),或者干脆沒有時間狀語;而一般過去時常與具體的時間狀語連用(如yesterday, last night, …ago, in 1980, in February等)。

  3) 現在完成時表示持續(xù)時一般使用延續(xù)性動詞(如live, teach, work, know等);而一般過去時常使用瞬間動詞(如begin, buy, die, marry等)。如:

  He has lived in Hangzhou since last spring.

  My grandfather bought the car five years ago.

  7. 易錯點辨析

  1) 考生容易把一些瞬間動詞用現在完成時表達,這是錯誤的。如:

  (×) He has died for two years. 他死了兩年了。

  (√) He has been dead for two years.

  (√) He died two years ago.

  (×) The film has begun for 10 minutes. 電影開演十分鐘了。

  (√) The film has been on for 10 minutes.

  (√) The film began 10 minutes ago.

  (×) She has married for three years. 她結婚有三年了。

  (√) She has been married for three years.

  (√) She married Mike three years ago.

  2) 考生不懂如何區(qū)分have been to和have gone to,盡管兩者均可后接地點,但have been to表示去過某地(現在已經回來了),have gone to表示到某地去了(現在還沒回來)。如:

  She has been to Paris (three times).

  She has gone to Paris.


  標志:had + 動詞的過去分詞

  1. 表示在過去的某個時間或動作以前已經發(fā)生的動作或已經存在的狀態(tài)。如:

  By the end of last week he had finished the work.

  He had left when I arrived.

  2. 表示從過去某一時間開始,一直延續(xù)到過去另一時間的動作或狀態(tài)。如:

  We had not seen each other since I left Beijing.

  The film had been on for 5 minutes when I got to the cinema.

  3. 某些表意向的動詞(如intend, think, plan, expect, hope等)的過去完成時表示主語未曾實現的愿望、希望、打算。如:

  I had intended to visit you last night, but someone called and I couldn’t get away.

  We had hoped that you would come, but you didn’t.

  4. (虛擬語氣)在條件狀體從句或wish / would rather等后面的從句中,使用過去完成時表示與過去事實相反的主觀愿望。如:

  The party wouldn’t have been so perfect if you hadn’t come.

  I wish I had gone with you to the concert that day.

  5. 過去完成時與一般過去時

  1) 基本區(qū)別:過去完成時表示以過去某時間為起點以前所發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),即過去完成時強調“過去的過去”,而一般過去時只表示以現在時間為起點以前所發(fā)生的事情或存在的狀態(tài)。如:

  He studied there two years ago.他兩年前在那兒學習(離現在兩年)

  He said he had studied there two years before.他說他兩年前在那兒學習過。(離他說話時兩年)

  2) 特別注意:兩個動作如果按順序發(fā)生,又不強調先后,或者用then, and, but等連詞連接時,多用一般過去時。如:

  When she saw the mouse, she screamed.

  My aunt gave me a hat and I lost it.


  標志:would + 動詞原形

  1. 表示從過去某一時間來看將要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),一般用于主句為過去時的賓語從句中。如:

  He said he would come here next Friday.

  I knew that he would help us when we were in trouble.

  2. 表示過去的動作習慣或傾向:

  The old man would sit on a bench in the quite park for hours without doing anything.

  When I worked on that farm, I would get up at 5 am.

  3. 用于虛擬語氣中:

  If I were you, I would not do that.

  If he were here, he would show us how to do it.

  4. 過去將來時的其他形式

  1) was / were going to + 動詞原形。如:

  He told us that he was going to attend the meeting.

  She said that I was going to be sent to meet her at the railway station.

  2) was / were to + 動詞原形。如:

  The building was to be completed next month.

  Li Lei was to arrive soon.

  3) was / were about to + 動詞原形。如:

  We were about to leave there when it began to rain heavily and suddenly.

  He was about to have lunch when the bell rang.




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